

Mondays at 9:30am and Thursdays at 9:30am. Register here

Mia’s yoga classes offer the opportunity to improve your balance, strength and flexibility. Mia aims to help students create more space and clarity in their body and mind, to experience moments of inner-peace and joy. The traditional Iyengar yoga method has a focus on alignment and uses props and variations to provide a safe and accessible way for people of all ages and abilities to experience the benefits of yoga – making it the perfect addition to our Silver Salties program. 

Tai Chi

Tuesdays at 9:30am. Register here

Pei Pei’s Tai Chi classes provide a mind-body exercise program for older adults. With years of experience working with people of all ages and fitness levels, Pei Pei helps participants to learn how to nurture their bodies, sharing her knowledge and skills to enable each of her students to develop healthy minds and a sense of true wellbeing. Tai Chi is characterized by movements that are flowing and gentle, which is great for older adults wanting a low-impact, slower paced workout.

Strength and Mobility Training

Wednesdays at 9:30am. Register here

Rod’s fitness classes are designed to build and improve strength and fitness levels in men and women over 50. With extensive experience training in gyms, outdoor settings, and private coaching, Rod specialises in a functional fitness approach that is designed help participants lose weight, increase your muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, and aerobic capacity. He focuses on core strength to improve balance and stability and reduce the likelihood of falls. Each class is customised to the participants’ fitness levels and physical capacity, making it possible for everyone to build fitness and strength in this Silver Salties class. 

Be Confident Swimming in the Bay

Runs November through to April.

Peter’s ‘Be Confident Swimming in the Bay’ classes are intended for swimmers of all levels and are designed to help build confidence to swim in open water. Peter’s goal is to educate swimmers on how to enjoy swimming as an activity where each person can swim efficiently at whatever speed they choose to swim at, either for performance or pleasure. He teaches participants how to swim safely, reduce drag in the water, and swim more efficiently so that they can swim easier, further and faster.


Fridays at 9:45am. Register here

Sarah’s Pilates classes help participants to improve mobility and strength through functional movements. Pilates increases core strength, flexibility, and builds muscle, leading to improved balance, fitness, and strength. Each class is customised for each participant’s fitness levels and physical capabilities, leading to an inclusive and welcoming environment for people of all abilities.

More Information

Classes are $15 each, with concession card holders $10 each, and are held at the Sandringham Life Saving Club. Swimming sessions meet on the beach just in front of the clubhouse. All attendees must pre-register in order to be covered by our insurance.

Any questions? Please contact for more information.